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The Beta Update Scandal

by iFluffySheep, December 3 2017

The arrest of key schemers at OGAT-Monies Headquarters. Author was present for the arrest as he is also working for OGAT-Security.

Recently, insiders in OGAT Monies have uncovered some shocking discoveries. One of the most appaling ones is one that will throw even the most loyal Guards and Thieves of this very promising game. The new beta testing, which was greatly anticipated by all, was actually a cover up for a web-moneys* farming scheme.
Apparently, when users apply for the beta test, they also allow a host of viruses into the computer. These viruses allows a central computer to use this as a host for bitcoin mining.
Also, according to our undercover agent, the new update has allowed the host computer to mine Cobracoins, Saltcoins, Ragecoins, Memecoins and many many other things. So far, they have acquired 30 million Subvert Dollars (SD) worth of web-moneys. At the moment, all the victims are demanding that OGAT Monies remove this virus and give each of them an equal share of the money gained from the endeavour.
A trial will be hosted in two months with the main schemers, who are currently being held in prison at Melon Court.


*Web-Moneys is a classification for a kind of currency that exists only online.

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