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Scientists Convinced they Found Solution for Population Decline

by Happy1234, 11. April 2021

Blue cobra.png

Strange creatures encountered by Dark Angel

Due to the recent scientific breakthrough in AI, researchers think they finally have the solution for the declining OGAT population. “We finally might have a solution. It is a great day for OGAT. This breakthrough with sufficient testing and development, we can bring back OGAT to its former glory,” says Helba, the CEO of OGAT-Tech.


Scientists at OGAT-tech are convinced they can successfully insert AI into little bots that one should be there to control. They hope it can drastically reduce the mortality rate caused by constant Red and Blue gang clashes. However they still fear that it has unforeseen consequences and it would be dangerous to release them to the public. Many Player Rights activists also raise concerns about how the “bots” lack the necessary, humane features to live in a society.


The government still hasn't made its stance regarding the use of bots. Rumours are that bot tests in a top-secret location are being made. A private investigator known only as Dark Angel has been investigating the government facility “Ever since the government started the project Population Boom, strange sightings of bizarre creatures have been widely reported by the OGAT citizens” said Dark Angel and added "I've been following these incidents, and at first, I thought it was just another SCP sighting, but it turns out is scarier than that! These Creatures do not have any feelings or emotions. They never eat or go to the bathroom at all. All I have seen is that when they get tired, they go to a place called charging station and sit there for an hour". The private investigator recollects seeing several strange creatures. Cobra throwing rocks, Assault holding the shield, Shadow throwing Molotov and Cobra guards were only some of the creatures which he encountered.


OGAT government is denying any existence of the tests. Unfortunately, neither Mr. Cominu nor Mr. Helba were available for comment.

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