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Leaders of Thief and Guard Organisations Accused of Discrimination

by D.J.G, 29 May 2020


Comparison of newer white and previous black insignias

Last week Union of Guards of OGAT as well as the Thieving Syndicate of OGAT introduced new rank promotions for members of their organisations. Both the Union and the Syndicate introduced new white insignia designs for ranks between 71 and 80. Previously the highest ranks were represented with black insignias on their uniforms.


However not everyone has been pleased with the new designs. Organisation called Black Guards Matter was the strongest opponent of the fact that the white colour is replacing the black design as the highest rank. “We are outraged that once again white colour is more valued than black”, said the spokesperson for Black Guards Matter and also added, “This shows the typical colour discrimination that black OGAT citizens have been enduring for years”. Black Guards Matter have been struggling to ensure better representation of black OGAT citizens among the guards. Currently black OGAT citizens are only allowed to serve as Carriers.


Equally disappointed were different organisations for minorities of OGAT. President of the OGAT Society of Natives was likewise disgusted that white coloured ranks are better than other colours and that red coloured ranks have fallen behind. East Asian community also expressed their dissatisfaction and pointed out that yellow colours are represented even lower on the rank scale.


Despite the criticism the Union and the Syndicate are standing by their decision for the new design and have already placed an order for production of white insignias.

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